Foundation in social networks:

#stayhome with the Foundation. YeliKuki. Living sculptures, distance, and music.

25 April 2020

28 April from 6 pm to 7.30 pm on the air.

Group EliKuka has prepared a series of short performances: the order department. Order anything on the menu and we will perform it according to your order. Some of the menu items: the dance of a face under mayonnaise, the howling of living sculptures, an exorcism session performed on pets, into the eyes of an artist, modest (uninhibited) telepathy, sound extracts of ear-shattering pictures, zhzhzhzhzhzhzhzh, “forgive me mama, neural network!”,
3 minute applause, 5 minute applause, sufferings of love, chef’s special, etc.

Mandatory registration on TimePad: link

Link to the online event will be sent to the e-mail address you provided during the registration.

Complete information about the project link

Group EliKuka was founded in 2007 by Oleg Yeliseyev (born in 1985) and Yevgeny Kukoverov (born in 1984). In their works the artists break the usual rules of exhibiting works of art and explore various forms of stupidity and impertinence in the art milieu. EliKuka became known thanks to their kinetic and interactive installations: The Trainers of the World Order, Propaganda of Taking Photography, The Rugged Route. The group worked in collaboration with artists Georgy Litichevsky, Valery Chtak, Gelatin Group (Austria), and many others. Besides that, they are members of the Moscow punk group I.H.N.A.B.T.B., the international musical and artistic group ANUSRIOT, and Zhenya Kukoverov group.