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Artists: Julia Vergazova

Education: Moscow Rodchenko Art School (RU), Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts (AT), Moscow School of Contemporary Art (RU).


Julia Vergazova (b. in 1987) Lives and works in Moscow.
Julia was nominated for Kuryokhin Prize (RU) and was a fellow of Artists in Residence Programme of Moscow-Düsseldorf Cultural Exchange (DE) in 2019.
In her projects Julia addresses to semiotics and linguistics of modernity. Area of her interest includes redefinition of prior distances between biology and technology, natural and syn­thetic in­tel­li­gence. As part of her re­search-based prac­tice she tends to de­velop spec­u­la­tive nar­ra­tives in the blind spots of the reality like unobvious communications and crypto-economies. She is curious about borderline bodies, cyber organisms and revisiting concepts of human and non-human. Accelerating automation and replacing people with machines poses an artist in front of new po­lit­i­cal, eth­i­cal and philo­soph­i­cal ques­tions. Julia’s practice is focused on research and diving deep into the context of mutating, accelerating reality.